
Triple Pressed Stearic Acid


White Strearic Acid.  Excellent for blending.

Titre °F/°CAOCS Tr 1a-64129.2 / 54134.6 / 57-
Acidity mg KOH/gAOCS Te 1a-64207213-
Iodine ValueAOCS Cd 1b-87-0.5-
Color (Lovibond)AOCS Cc 13e-92-0.3R-2.0Y-
Saponification mg KOH/g ISO 3657208214-
C12+ C14ISO 5509-3-
C16ISO 55096066-
C18ISO 55093239-
OthersISO 5509-1-



Tech Spec

G-4795 Tech Spec

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The information contained in this technical data sheet is based on tests and information which are believed to be reliable and every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information. Globalwax makes no warranties, representations of conditions, expressed or implied, of any kind, including but not limited to, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and disclaims all liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.